Monday, September 8, 2008

Web Site Content - Key to Site Traffic

Business Development Process: The core standard for getting your daily household income and business funding for running a business is trading your time for money. But there is some business education coming your way for working from home and getting web site traffic that will give you the needed business cashflow to run your own web business. The impending procedure once learned will open doors to your understanding of how to generate life income and business cashflow.

Keeping Visitor Attention

Did you know that web site content is what draws the attention of web site traffic (visitors) at your web site? And there is a specific formula for getting and keeping the attention of your web site visitors. The way to draw ones attention is by introducing intrigue or curiosity.

This business education is designed to drive this point home and introduce you to this four-letter anagram AIDA.

AIDA is an anagram for the process of crafting good content. And stands for ATTENTION, INTEREST, DESIRE and ACTION.

A is to get the attention of your visitor, when you get their attention, they are giving you the opening you need to build in some I or interest for your offer.

When you create interest, you can develop that into desire for your offer. Once you have effectively created the desire your next duty is to get them to a or take action and join your database.

That was not as so difficult as it may have appeared to be on the surface. But now let me elaborate by introducing you to the second part of this article. If you do this right, it is like getting your own personal keys to profit heaven.

Does AIDA make it a bit more concrete for you and how you might apply it in your web site content? When I learned about AIDA to spice up my web site content and started using it I began to get more web site traffic.

Not just any old visitors that happen to stop in by accident. I began getting highly targeted web site traffic.

I cannot claim that you may get the same results like I got. But if you follow the formula you will get measurable results. As I mentioned earlier, intrigue and curiosity are the fuel to activate your visitors.

Web Site Content Must Include Curiosity or Intrigue

There are 9 core components that you must make sure are in the marketing message or marketing letter for your business promotion.

The amazing angle that drives all else (the hook)

Your bold benefit driven headline (purpose is to make the reader want to read the next sentence)

Your intriguing story opener (speaking directly to them)

Your benefit list (bullet points)

The third party voice you will use as testimonials to conquer the two levels of belief (believing that you are telling the truth and believing that it will work for them, not just you)

Your close that gets them to act now (tells them what to do next)

Your P.S. that pulls them back into the marketing message (the second headline)

Your voice for the message (is it to come from you personally or someone else)

Use curiosity throughout the whole process (tease and tantalize them) (trigger their desire for more)

Note: One of the motivating human emotions is curiosity. If you speak your visitor's WIIFM (what's in it for me) language, offer them the benefits they are looking for, however do not give them all the details of what your offer provides (keep them wondering and off balance) they are sure to want more.

Web site Content is the bedrock of your web site. If you do not satisfy the interest of your visitor, your visitors will find other web sites that will. The trick is in understanding the use of using the most efficient use of content.

It should be used in such a way that it incites an emotional response (feeling) from your web site traffic through content bonding.

The bottom line is that you must provide compelling web site content for your visitors. Writing articles is one way to introduce your compelling web site content on your web site. We have five senses but only hearing and seeing may be used online to get your compelling message across.

Resource: and Income For Life Secrets are your business building solution station

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